"Postscripts from the EDGE"
Opening Reception: Aljoya Mercer Island
Thursday September 15
4:30-6:30 PM
Lin Rebolini McJunkin, "Green Sea Form,"
detail pate de verre glass and recycled steel, photo courtesy of KP Studios, Anacortes, WA
"Postscripts from the EDGE" highlights progress made as a group and as individual artists since graduating from the Artist Trust EDGE Program, a professional development training program for visual artists living and working in Washington State.
You are cordially invited to the Gala Opening Reception of Aljoya’s Art Tour.
Exhibiting Artists include:
Terry Balle, Miguel Edwards, Sara Everett, Joy Hagen, Veronique Le Merre, Lin Rebolini McJunkin, Victoria Raymond, Anne Simernitski, Julie Sipe and Suze Woolf.
Opening Reception Thursday September 15, 2011 from 4:30-6:30 PM
Wine, hors d’oeuvres and music will accompany the art. Complimentary parking is provided.
Artwork is on exhibition from September 15- October 9, 2011
Viewing hours daily from 9:00 AM-8:00 PM
Please Call (206) 204-5211 by Sept 13 to RSVP
Your response is appreciated. Era Living is a Seattle based company founded in 1987 that provides innovative housing, programs, and service in retirement communities. Era Living is committed to bringing quality art experiences to their residents and to provide exhibition opportunities to artists. http://www.eraliving.com