Shadows and Reflections II:
A visual discourse between the effect of light in shadows and reflections
Carina del Rosario, Walking
in the Shade, digital photograph, archival inkjet prints, 17”x22”, courtesy
of the artist
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 from
4:30 to 6:30pm
Ida Culver House Broadview
12505 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle 98133
Ida Culver House Broadview
12505 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle 98133
Wine, hors d’oeuvres and entertainment will accompany the art. Complimentary parking provided.
Exhibiting Artists Include:
Aaron Asis
Deanne Belinoff
Lori Bellamy
Sharon Birzer
Kamella Boulle
Betty Bowes
Laura Brodax
Conrad Chavez
Milton Clark
Sarah Dalton
Carina del Rosario
Lori Duckstein
Kim Farrell
Karen Frank
Joy Hagen
Mary Hales
Jacqueline Hall
Jenna James
Anastasia Kiryanova
David Ko
Melissa Koch
Jim Kurihara
Thane McCulloh
Paul McKee
Robert Letsinger
Carol Milne
Bill Montgomery
Carol Montgomery
Marion Norberg
Stan Raucher
Doug Rosenoff
Liz Ruest
Bruce Savadow
Ann Elizabeth Scott
John Smither
Naomi Steele
Jennifer Sumner
Rob Tilley
Jessamyn Tuttle
Artwork is on display through July 16, 2012
Please call (206) 204-5408 to RSVP by March 19th