Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Artist Talk

 Turning Point Artist Talk at University House Wallingford with artists 
Phil Jensen, Anette Lusher, and Elizabeth Halfacre 
whose courageous visual narratives speak to their transformative life experiences.
Sunday, November 17th at 7:30pm
4400 Stone Way N in Wallingford

Inline image 2
Phil Jensen-Splash Eclipse
Inline image 3
Anette Lusher-Memories

Elizabeth Halfacre-My Chemotherapy Hat


Opening Reception at Ida Culver House Broadview

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Call for Art - WATERWORLD at University House Wallingford

Instructions for Email Submission

EXHIBITION:    Waterworld
LOCATION:      University House Wallingford, 4400 Stone Way N, Seattle, 98103
DEADLINE:       November 30, 2013
ART DROP:      February 9, 2014
OPENING:        February 13, 2014 Gala Reception
PICK UP:          June 16, 2014   
CONTACT:       June Sekiguchi,  curator@junesekiguchi.com  206-713-7819

Our relationship to water is deep, especially in the Pacific Northwest being blanketed by it from the sky above us and surrounded by the Sound, rivers, and lakes.  It dictates how we travel or where it is most desirable to live.  Water is essential to our bodies and our survival.  We fish and harvest it.   Water is a powerful force of nature.  We gravitate to water for pleasure and serenity.  It cleanses and is used in ritual purification practices, but then we desecrate it by polluting our environment or our bodies with fluoride that is added to the drinking supply.

Seeking work relating to water with broad references to water:  life in, among, around water; water based techniques, water patterns and symbols, statements on water in our environment.

Accepted work will primarily be wall hung with 2-D
·             2-D maximum size 42” on the longest side
·             A limited number of work up to 60” will be considered
·             2-D works must be ready to install with a hanging wire 
·             3-D maximum size 20”Hx15”Wx15”D. 
·             All media accepted excluding work that requires electricity


1.       Email submissions to:  curator@junesekiguchi.com
2.       Give ALL the following information on each document:
·             Your Name
·             Address
·             Email
·             Phone
3.       Attach up to six (6) jpgs of available artwork – low resolution to be viewed on line only
Use the following Jpg format instructions:
·             Each Jpg should be saved at 72 dpi
·             Use maximum image size of 1200px on the longest dimension
·             Limit each jpeg to a maximum file size of 2MG
·             LABEL JPG WITH YOUR NAME (Last and First in that order) AND TITLE OF ART WORK – This helps me identify the art without having to re-label it myself.   Example:  Jones_Mary_Title_of_Work.jpg
4.       Include an art work list with the following details for EACH jpeg. 
·             Title
·             Medium
·             Size H” x W” x D”
·             Year completed
·             Price or Insurance Value if NFS (not for sale)

5.     Attach resume/bio and artist statement pertaining to this themeMake sure your name and contact info is on all documents.    Artist information books are created from these documents.  This is the primary way for the purchaser to learn about your work and contact you for sales.

Era Living Exhibitions:

The artist receives 100% from sales at Era Living locations – no commission is taken.  Sales are made directly between you and your client.  Postcards are generated for each show and promotional material sent to print and online media sources.  Opening receptions are held for each exhibition and artists will be invited by the curator to participate in artist talks.

Art at Era Living is viewed by residents and guests, and the public is invited to view the work.   Era Living is a Seattle based company founded in 1987 to provide innovative housing, programs, and service to their retirement communities.  Era Living is committed to bringing quality art experiences to their residents and to provide exhibition opportunities to artists.  http://www.eraliving.com/northwest_art

For questions, email curator@junesekiguchi.com or call 206-713-7819

Sunday, September 15, 2013

opening reception SURFACE TREATMENT

Participating artists:
Chloe Allred
Pamela  Beer
Jill Beppu
Jan Bogle
Joan Bowers
Alex Brikoff
Monique Catino
Valaree Cox
Patty Haller
Ann Herman
DeAnna Foran
Cynthia Gerdes
Sue Gurevich
Melissa Koch
Cheri Kopp
James Kurihara
Marietta Modl
Ken Morisawa
Nguyen Ly Phuong Ngoc
Mark O’Connell
Michael Rainwater
Juliette Ripley Dunkleberger
Liz Ruest
Pat  Smith
Jan Tervonen
Jerry Wade

Kevin Wildermuth

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Instructions for Email Submission

EXHIBITION:    Turning Point
LOCATION:      University House Wallingford, 4400 Stone Way N, Seattle, 98103
DEADLINE:       August 15, 2013
ART DROP:      October 13, 2013
OPENING:        October 17, 2013 Gala Reception
CLOSING:         Feb 9, 2014    To Be Confirmed
CONTACT:       June Sekiguchi ,  curator@junesekiguchi.com  206-713-7819
Turning Point 
The one sure thing in life is that nothing stays the same.  What is the catalytic moment of change for you personally; or changing from one medium to another; a career change; or global observations.  This call for art seeks work that conveys a significant change.   As always with Era Living thematic calls for art, the theme can be broadly interpreted.  Technical skill of the medium, creative content, and art in relation to other works will also be factors in jurying the work.

Accepted work will primarily be wall hung with 2-D
·               2-D maximum size 42” on the longest side
·               A limited number of work up to 60” will be considered
·               2-D works must be ready to install with a hanging wire 
·               3-D maximum size 20”Hx15”Wx15”D. 
·               All media accepted excluding work that requires electricity


1.       Email submissions to:  curator@junesekiguchi.com
2.       Give ALL the following information on each document:
·               Your Name
·               Address
·               Email
·               Phone
3.      Attach up to six (6) jpgs of available artwork – low resolution to be viewed on line only
Use the following Jpg format instructions:
·               Each Jpg should be saved at 72 dpi
·               Use maximum image size of 1200px on the longest dimension
·               Limit each jpeg to a maximum file size of 2MG
·               LABEL JPG WITH YOUR NAME (Last and First in that order) AND TITLE OF ART  WORK – This helps me identify the art without having to re-label it myself.   Example:  Jones_Mary_Title_of_Work.jpg
4.       Attach an art work list with the following details for EACH jpeg. 
·               Title
·               Medium
·               Size H” x W” x D”
·               Year completed
·               Price or Insurance Value if NFS (not for sale)

5.     Attach resume/bio and artist statement pertaining to this themeMake sure your name and contact info is on all documents.    Artist information books are created from these documents.  This is the primary way for the purchaser to learn about your work and contact you for sales.

Era Living Exhibitions:

The artist receives 100% from sales at Era Living locations – no commission is taken.  Sales are made directly between you and your client.  Postcards are generated for each show and promotional material sent to print and online media sources.  Opening receptions are held for each exhibition and artists will be invited by the curator to participate in artist talks.

Art at Era Living is viewed by residents and guests, and the public is invited to view the work.   Era Living is a Seattle based company founded in 1987 to provide innovative housing, programs, and service to their retirement communities.  Era Living is committed to bringing quality art experiences to their residents and to provide exhibition opportunities to artists.  http://www.eraliving.com/northwest_art

For questions, email curator@junesekiguchi.com or call 206-713-7819

Sunday, July 21, 2013

An Interview with Tracy Simpson by Iskra Johnson

Ida Culver House Broadview artist Tracy Simpson was interviewed by Iskra Johnson.  Several of Tracy's work from the interview are on view in "Interpretations of Time."  Thank you to Iskra Johnson for sharing this link.


Tracy Simpson, "May Days,"  acrylic on paper, potato monotype, 26"x18.5"

Saturday, July 6, 2013

opening reception Ida Culver House Broadview Still Life: 21 show

Anne Belov

Jan Tervonen

Anne Belov and Naomi Steele

Cheri Kopp, Larry Larsen, and Jennifer Smith


curator, June Sekiguchi

Kelly Lyles

Musician Julian Catford

Mary Ann and Thane McCulloh
 UH Wallingford Resident, Roy Ko and son artist David Ko

Monday, June 24, 2013

Call for Art - SURFACE TREATMENT at University House Issaquah

Era Living CALL FOR ART            
Instructions for Email Submission

LOCATION:      University House Issaquah
DEADLINE:       July 21, 2013
ART DROP:      September 8 , 2013
OPENING:        September 14, 2013 Gala Reception  2:00-4:00pm
CLOSING:         March 3, 2014  This is a 6 month long show
CONTACT:       June Sekiguchi ,  curator@junesekiguchi.com  206-713-7819

Surface Treatment
Seeking work that focuses on an exploration of surface through texture ranging from the physicality of material to tromp l’oeil effects.  A variety of content matter will be sought from realistic to abstract.

Accepted work will primarily be wall hung with 2-D
·               2-D maximum size 42” on the longest side
·               A limited number of work up to 60” will be considered
·               2-D works must be ready to install with a hanging wire   
·               3-D maximum size 20”Hx15”Wx15”D. 
·               All media accepted excluding jewelry and work that requires electricity


1.       Email submissions to:  curator@junesekiguchi.com

2.       Give ALL the following information:  Your personal address will not be made public
·               Your Name
·               Address
·               Phone
·               Email
·               Website
·               Gallery affiliation

3.       Attach up to six (6) jpegs of available artwork – low resolution to be viewed on line only
Use the following Jpeg format instructions:
·               Each Jpeg should be saved at 72 dpi
·               Use maximum image size of 1200px on the longest dimension
·               Limit each jpeg to a maximum file size of 2MG
·               LABEL JPEG WITH YOUR NAME AND TITLE OF ART WORK .  This helps me identify the art without having to re-label it myself.  Example:  Smith_John_Title_of_Work.jpg

4.       Include an art work list with the following details for EACH jpeg.  Image list titles must match   jpg titles
·               Title
·               Medium
·               Size H” x W” x D”
·               Year completed
·               Price or Insurance Value if NFS (not for sale)

 5.     Attach resume/bio and artist statement specific to the work in this show and how it relates to the theme.  Put your name and contact info on all documents.   

Era Living Exhibitions:

The artist receives 100% from sales at Era Living locations – no commission is taken.  Sales are made directly between you and your client.  Postcards are generated for each show and promotional material sent to print and online media sources.  Opening receptions are held for each exhibition and artist talks may be scheduled.

Art at Era Living is viewed by residents and guests, and the public is invited to view the work.   Era Living is a Seattle based company founded in 1987 to provide innovative housing, programs, and service to their retirement communities.  Era Living is committed to bringing quality art experiences to their residents and to provide exhibition opportunities to artists.  http://www.eraliving.com/northwest_art

For questions, email curator@junesekiguchi.com or call 206-713-7819

Reception at University House Wallingford "On-Line" show

Amazing Buffet with artist Ruth Cameron (middle)

 artist Alison Peacock and her dad

 artist Ernalee Thonn

 artists Jini Dellaccio and Nancy Zager

 emerging artist and musician, Charlie, son of artist Monique Catino

 featured artist Dave Ko, wife Hildy, daughter, and friend

 University House resident Roy Ko

 Viewing Jave Yoshimoto's work

wonderful music by Lindee Hoshikawa

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Artists include:
Chloe Allred
Gail Baker
Sarah Banks
Sofya Belinskaya
Lee Berry
Dyan Bone
Ellen Borison
Louise Britton
Lance Carlton
Monique Catino
Nick Ciancibelli
Tom Cogbill
Mel Curtis
Jini Dellaccio
Jennifer Frohwerk
Rob  Garrison
Sandy Haight
Elizabeth Halfacre
Jennifer Hines
Irena Jablonski
Kiraya Kestin
Janice King
David Ko
Jim Kurihara
Larry Larsen
Donna Lough
Annette Lusher
Carol Milne
Naoko Morisawa
Karen Richter
Juliette Ripley-Dunkelberger
Suze Woolf
Curtis Wright
and artists of University House Wallingford

Artist Talk

Artists Deb Freng, Cynthia Hall, and Susan Melrath gave informative insights into their art making process for the exhibition "Saturation Point" at University House Issaquah on January 17th.